24 August 2008

TDC first screening

Saturday, 16 August 08. It was time for Tak Dong Cheng 's first screening for cast and crew. A few guests had been invited too.

I was nervous as there were many questions running thru my head. Will people turn up and is there enough sitting room for everyone? Will they enjoy TDC? Will the team be able to pull off our screening event smoothly? Jas came over to my place the nite before for a long and sleepless nite. We collected the Hi-Fi set from Isnor, pasted DVD covers as well as printing & cutting the labels so that our cast will have a copy of TDC to bring home. Yes, yes, it was all last minute and we should only blame ourselves when we came to the venue in zombie mode.

Things did not go smoothly at the beginning. It was raining. Our sound system refuse to work properly during the first few minutes of TDC. Luckily we had subtitles. Things did go underway and people's laughs and claps gave an indication that they enjoyed TDC. It totally made my day and made all the team's efforts worthwhile. Even the QnA with director and actors was fun. One such question was.. do we have future projects. With such a wonderful crowd, of course we will think of something!! :)

*If you have seen TDC, pls comment on wat you thought of the story. thks.


Anonymous said...

A very unique film. The first and I think most likely the only time i will see a Malay guy doing Lion dance. Although film is a little long for a short film, its bearable. It just shows the Suffian as a Filmaker has lots to say... Well done. More to follow yea?

Anonymous said...

I do not think I have the background and capabilities to assess the technical aspects of the movie but from a viewer’s perspective (who you keep saying watches too many movies), I think the following can be improved on:

- outdoor and indoor lighting. I felt there should be more lighting when Farid and Jas went to Chris’s house to ask him to teach them lion dance. Lighting in outdoor shoots are always tricky so be more careful with shadows and sunlight (actors were squinting in the movie)

- sound. If you listen carefully, background sounds can be heard quite clearly (e.g. vehicles passing by and birds chirping)

Overall storyline:

Enjoyable. Fairly simple storyline that has a few hidden puns.